Re: poll for guys (or girls with a penis)

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Posted by Eyes Only at on September 20, 2003 at 19:22:36:

In Reply to: poll for guys (or girls with a penis) posted by shitty speller...DEAL WITH IT! on September 20, 2003 at 17:42:24:

: tihs board needs some excitment. too bad I can't offer it to you

: 1. if you could have the dick of your size, any size you want, for one whole month, with the rule that once that month is over, you not only got your old penis size back, but you had to lose 1/2 an inch from it. would you agree to it?

: 2. same as above, but instead of losing some of your dick size, you had to sleep with rossane

: get to keep the dick size of your choice for the rest of your life, but you have to orally please rossane and star jones at the same time for no less than 2 hours. one time only

: 4. if you are circumsized, do you or did you ever want your foreskin back on?

: 5. for those uncircumsized, do you want it taken off?

: 6. if a doctor gave you a choice of keeping your foreskin, would you keep it?

: 7. if yes, where would you put it?

~~~~~Response to all the dick questions above: I am quite satisfied with what God gave me, thank you very much.

: 8. does anyone else love zuccini bread as much as I do?

no - you are well known for the obsession - even in the UK

: 9. how old were you when you lost your virginity?


: 10. how was it? describe evertyhing

No - you couldn't handle the jealousy

: 11. do you do any fun tricks with you genitals?

not if it hurts

: 12. ever hurt or damage your genitals?

D'uh - of course - but never seriously

: 13. if you had boobs, would you fondle them?

yes - but i wouldn't let you touch them, Justin

: 14.on a scale of 1-10, how bicurious are you?


: 15. would you get orally pleased by a guy if you were guranteed to get any girl you want after doing so?

No - if she had to get a guy to suck another guy of in order to get laid I wouldn't want her anyway (sorry for twisting the question!)

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