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Posted by Smalls at syr-24-24-14-133.twcny.rr.com on September 23, 2003 at 17:23:27:

In Reply to: Pull Thyme posted by Charlton Heston on September 23, 2003 at 16:34:59:

: 1. Who is your hero or inspiration(real person) living or dead?

Philip K Dick. That cat knew what was up in a way that only the truly fucking insane can.

Doubt not the wisdom of the clearly insane. Especially the clearly insane who think they're just babbling because they know they're insane but... here we go. Totally dead on. For a good example, watch the DVD that comes with Neil Young's Greendale.

The wisdom of batshit madness.

: 2. IF you could switch places (ala Freaky Friday) for 1 week with someone who would it be?

Hm. Give me a list of attractive limber lesbian millionaires in their twenties and I'll take my pick.

: 3. Star Wars: Light hearted entertainment, over blown crap or The Gospel?

The prequels: crap.
Star Wars, Jedi: entertainment.
Empire: gospel.

: 4. Who wins in a fight, Chris Kattan or Bob Denver?

Denver. And I hope he cripples the little shit so he can't annoy me anymore.

: 5. Favorite pizza topping?


: 6. Most unsafe place you've had sex?

I'm a very shy and worrisome person. I haven't had sex anywhere remotely unsafe.

I'm probably boring.

: 7. UFOS real or not?

Sure... why not? PKD believed.

: 8. Brenden Fraser gay or not gay?

If it makes him happy.

: 9. Bic or zippo?

I don't smoke tobacco.

: 10. Love making hard and fast or slow and smooth?

The first.


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