Question for Kevin

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Posted by the Wizard of Ahhhhs at on September 23, 2003 at 21:50:22:

Did you get the idea for this movie before you even met your wife, while your wife was pregnant, or after your daughter was born?

I know I'm not the first to ask this but my wife and I just had a discussion about this subject very recently. We were changing our life insurance stuff and it came up. We have been married for 2 months now, but we dated for a long time and have talked about having kids before. I asked her if I became terminally ill, would she want to have children. She said she would, then I said that if we had kids and something happened to her, I'd be up shit creek because I have no clue about kids. I'm no high roller or anything but the fear of raising a child without the person I love the most on this earth is tremendous. I know people have this discussion every day, and worse than that some peope have to live it...I'm not sure I could.

She also said that I could re-marry. I told her if she did I'd haunt her and knock shit off shelves and wherever she lived. I should write a movie about that...alas I have no talent.

Have a nice night,
The W of A

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