Posted by Zsebi at on September 24, 2003 at 05:18:13:
In Reply to: Hear ye! Hear ye! 'Tis POLL time!!.... posted by crazyjane. on September 22, 2003 at 16:17:34:
: ...good day people! I'm getting married in exactly one months time, so heres a wedding type poll for youse all!!
OHHHH, this is fun!
: 1) Church or registry office...or drive thru wedding?
Definitely Church. Gotta please my mom at least ONCE in my life...
: 2) Would you have a theme? If so what?
Yes. Turn-of-the-20th Century costumes.
: 3) If you had to make up your own vows, whats something, a condition of marriage maybe, that you'd like to include, ie: I promise to wax my hairy toes at LEAST twice a year...
"I promise to be thoroughly insane and unpredictable."
: 4) What kind of cake would you have?..(lets face it - who really likes fruit cake, marzipan and all that frosting!?...You do!!...You freaks!)
I'm a freak. Marzipan. And yes, all that frosting. And marzipan roses.
: 5) What would be your song/tune of choice to walk down the aisle to?
"Other Ways of Speaking" - I already admitted I'm a freak. Yes, I know it's a *gasp* Russell Crowe song. I know. Very uncool, but I can't get enough of that song.
: 6) What song would you have as your "Bride and Grooms first dance" song at the reception?
Twist and Shout. - It's a party, not a funeral.
: 7) Would you spend a lot of money on a really big day, or go for cheap and cheerful?
Cheap and cheerful, with the exception of the fancy costumes and plenty of booze.
: 8) If you could honeymoon anywhere - where would you go?
Middle East. I grew up there.
: 9) Who is guaranteed to be the first person to puke at the reception?
ANY of my ex-boyfriends - whom I would no doubt all invite, save one...Yes, I'm a freak. If I'm happy, I like to be around people whom I feel good about.
: 10) Hypothetical question - if you had to marry someone from the board, who and why?
Tough one. I don't know the posters too much (save the famous and infamous), but I'm a sucker for "problem" guys. I'd marry someone who leads a very unusual life, someone who doesn't conform unless HE wants to.(Noooo, I'm not a teen anymore. I got stuck at this stage.)
: Thats all my little munchkins!!