Re: thoughts on sex

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Posted by Zsebi at on September 24, 2003 at 06:00:01:

In Reply to: thoughts on sex posted by jaclyn on September 23, 2003 at 00:54:58:

: then again OT doesnt mean anything anymore.


: Do you ever wonder why sex changes in relationships.
: Why the mood can change from day to day

People's feelings change as they get used to/bored of each other. Sometimes you end up loving somebody more with time, sometimes it's less, but it's never the same feeling or intensity.

: Why love is never a sure thing

If it would be for granted I'd hate it with all my heart. Good things are good because they're unpredictable. It's like living forever. Life would no fun. There's no true life without death, no bliss without heartache and all that good cliche stuff, but hey, it's true.

: While Chasing Amy is so damn true and that there is nothing you can do to change it

Chasing Amy shows what men really are like deep down inside, stuff that noone talks about. You want to hurt them, tell them about guys you've been with.

: Why cant people live happy in what they have now and not worry about what has gone on in the past.

Again, it's part of that "game" called love.
Embrace pain and heartache. Seriously. If you're always happy and content, it never gives the same amount of sick, blissful emotional pleasure, as ocassional bouts of happiness does. It brings out strong emotions. I'm all for that. It makes you feel very much alive.


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