Sorry Al...

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Posted by Will Turner, Karaoke King at on September 24, 2003 at 07:57:13:

In Reply to: Who said I am American? posted by -AL- on September 24, 2003 at 07:50:05:

It's just I knew an American from another board that was very anti-British, Europe, anywhere else. Plus I can be a bit defensive anyway.

The problem I think started when Bush said "You're either with us or with the terrorists." Since then, people like Greg Palast and Michael Moore (who altough I think is a superb film-maker is prone to OTT tangents) have had to take this extreme view, to be representatives in a way. It's not healthy for debate, and it could have very serious repurcussions (note the increasing influence of the BNP)

: I am not American.

: I was not criticising Eddie Izzard either.

: I also did not plegde a blind allegiance to all that is the US.

: My comments were a small snapshot of observation that I can't get away from, that is confirmed every day of the week.

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