Posted by Lacy Rox at on September 20, 2003 at 08:33:44:
Dear Kevin,
This passed week I lost my last survivng grandmother, so I had to fly to Columbus,Ohio for the services. Luckily my brother lives there and I got to spend some time with him.(last time was 6 years ago) He introduced me to Jay and Silent Bob (on his 53" TV)and I laffed my ass off. You guys were the comic releif I needed. Once I saw the baby saying fuck and growing into Jay and the fuck rap song I was hooked. My brother and I watched it everyday that I was there. It keeps getting funnier everytime I see it. My brother gave it to me to take home here to Florida. I'm still laffing.
Sorry I'm 2 years behind it all but i'm catching up fast. Since then I watched Dogma, Mallrats, and Clerks and an evening with Kevin Smith.All funny. Started from the recent to the past kinda.Anyway thank you for your comic and daring genius. You and Jay are adorable.
Debbie (aka Lacy Rox)