mixed species (spoilers)

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Posted by StinkPalmerPunk at cache-mtc-ag05.proxy.aol.com on September 21, 2003 at 00:56:01:

In Reply to: Just saw American Splen.AND Underworld (spoilers) posted by zeta on September 21, 2003 at 00:10:57:

: AWESOME fuckin movies-both! I left American Splend. with a smile on my face. Just a good movie. Underworld actually had something of a plot which surprised me. I went for the special effects and shit not the story. The only thing they didn't explain-why the fuck did they WANT a mixed species? I mean ok-you make a stronger creature with the mix-AND? So the fuck what! What you gonna do with it? I will say that the guy from Felicity was H-O-T! I want a werewolf/vampire mix that looks like him! MAN!

: Zeta

They wanted a mixed species because it would end the war between the vampires and werewolves. If there was just the one species they wouldn't have to fight.

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