Posted by Cranick at on September 21, 2003 at 01:22:05:
In Reply to: Steve Martin, Gilda Radner, Chris Farley... posted by Bill Clay on September 21, 2003 at 01:02:54:
John Belushi: I give you him. I liked "Continental Divide".
Dan Ackroyd: Ghost Busters was way fun.
Eddie Murphy: Umm. I like when animals talk. I guess Doolittle was fun. Some stand up was funny.
Billy Crystal: Alright. I like a lot of his work. "Soap"
is a classic. I even like "Harry and Sally". I give you Billy.
Phil Hartman: Hated him on SNL. But Ilove Pee Wee. He gets points.
Jan Harlan: Who?
Adam Sandler: Wow! Punch Drunk Love was one of my Fav movies ever. Anger Mangment was OK. Wedding Singer was kind of sweet. Some funny stand up. Everything else is garbage.
Norm MacDonald: Yea. he is pretty funny.
Julia Sweeney: Who is that?