A wedgie?

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Posted by Tom (POJK) at s3034.essex.ac.uk on September 21, 2003 at 10:28:50:

In Reply to: You soapdodging bastard! posted by The Bastard on September 21, 2003 at 10:24:09:

: I never knew you were a wedgie!

-- I haven't heard that 'un before, but yes, my nationality is a surprise to most people, because I sound much more like 'Star Wars' Ewan McGregor than 'Trainspotting' Ewan McGregor, despite being a heroin addict from the age of 9. So, uh, yeah.

Do yeh come from Glasgae? Do yeh come from Perth? Do yeh come from Dunfermline? Cus yeh dinnae come from Earth.
All Scottish people are bastards!

5 points to anyone who can tell me where that's from.

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