"Toto! You wouldn't believe where I've been!"

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Posted by Smalls at syr-24-24-14-133.twcny.rr.com on September 21, 2003 at 21:18:11:

In Reply to: Randals World Famous Caption This! posted by ---[Randal]--- on September 21, 2003 at 18:30:58:

"In this marvelous wonderland where Afghan-organized Saudis attacking your country can allow you to slaughter Iraqis in a massive bloody unorganized oilgrab! It's like up is down and in is out... in Oz! Oh, the Bibles and the American flags and the smiley faces and the NASCAR merchandise you can buy in their Wal-Marts! They're like... emerald cities for the retarded! It's so awesome, Toto! Do you want to come with me? All you have to do is click your heels together..."

"There's NO scam like fear! There's NO scam like fear! There's NO scam like fear..."


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