Posted by DRD #37 at on October 18, 2003 at 22:21:06:
In Reply to: Teacher stories... posted by Stoots on October 18, 2003 at 21:50:45:
I went to college and got a doctorate in psychology (specialized in adolescents), then became a teacher. I got in trouble for disciplining a student (I forced him to stand for a class period with his nose against a spot on the chalkboard where I had drawn a filled-in chalk circle). When the student continued disturbing the class, I slammed my fist on his desk, and I faced him while his back was against a wall. He cried that I had physically abused him, got his parents to defend his accusations, andthen the principal called all my students in that class period to tell him what happened, and they all told him accurately the situation (that I had NOT, in fact, physically abused him - in fact, several students proclaimed that I was their favorite teacher and that I'm completely nonviolent). That afternoon, he called me into his office and told me that if he didn't fire me, the parents of the student would sue the school district. He offered to allow me to resign rather than be fired, and I took it. I later became an insurance underwriter for several months before going back to teaching after a friend (the principal of the school I currently work at) offered me a job teaching at his high school.