Posted by Hockey Puck at on October 19, 2003 at 01:34:27:
In Reply to: Teacher stories... posted by Stoots on October 18, 2003 at 21:50:45:
Teachers should make what American polticians make in bank.
I've seen a lot of teachers freak out. Being from a small town we either had the lowest of the low, or peolple who actually cared.(Thank goodness)
The lowest was a man who looked, body shape, like the exploding fat man from Monty Pythons Meaning of life. He would not get out of his chair. When all the chalkboard space that he could reach from his chair was full, there was seemingly nothing impotant enough (from that point on) to write, even with half the class left. I lost it on him when he commented on a guys appearance because he had dreads! Small minded fuck 45 years old lived with his mom.
Ive seen others with flying garbage cans, rulers, etc. but there were some teribble students as well.
: I was just wondering if any of you guys have any interesting stories from when you were in middle or senior high school about your teachers freaking out at some deliquint kid in front of the entire class.
: I was a high school science teacher for three years, but I spent the last two of it in a piss-poor town where 1/3 of the population's income was below poverty level. I kept getting stuck with teaching 9th grade Chemistry and Physics (also known as Physical Science). I was a Biology major, and Chem/Physics doesn't really interest me AT ALL. And 9th graders are a HORRIBLE age to have to deal with! I was just thinking back today of all the shitty things that happened to me while I was a teacher - like stuff getting stolen, kids making fun of me, shit like that - I even had a Hispanic student say "Lick my balls" when I asked him to leave the room for being a disturbance.
: I can remember the moment I decided I no longer wanted to be a teacher - when I went to ask my principal for some help dealing with these kids, all he told me was "Maybe you should change the way you teach - you should go observe Mr. (Smith) and try to model the way he teaches." Well, fuck - Mr (Smith) was one year away from retiring and talked like Ben Stein in that scene from Ferris Beuller's Day Off. Fucking joke.
: So I got a job with the Mayo Clinic, and they are now paying me to go back to school as a student! In just 5 or 6 years from now, I'll be earning TWO OR THREE TIMES as much as that dumbass principal who wouldn't help me out - and I'm probably gonna go laugh in his face! HA!
: Wow...where'd all that pent up aggression come from? Anyway - just wanted to see if you guys have any memories of teachers freaking out - or was I the only one???