Posted by MasterdeBater774 at on October 20, 2003 at 02:18:37:
In Reply to: Not all opinions are valid. posted by Übermenschİ on October 20, 2003 at 01:53:01:
: That is a truism that a great many people fail to understand. Claim that god/ess/es used evolution to create life, so be it (although Occam's Razor quells such a claim). Dismissal of evolution is sheer stupidity. "Why?" you may ask. Because you have no evidence!!! Without evidence, you have no ground to stand on and therefore your opinion is invalid.
Is your Evidence so different then mine? both are a bunch of words that can be falsely represented.
There's contradictions to everything...
For example, evolution teaches that bones from reptiles' jaws evolved into the bones in mammals' middle ears. These bones magnify sound so natural selection would select mammalian ears when they were fully functional, but what about the generations while these bones were evolving? How would reptiles chew when their jawbones were dislocating and migrating toward the ear? How would early mammals hear before the bones in their middle ears were properly connected
I have never seen anything that would lead me to believe in any sort of supreme being.
Well i'm sorry, just because you havn't doesn't mean that it doesn't happen...
Believe in a god or don't, makes no difference to me.
then what the hell were you just bitching all that other shit for?
But come your conclusions not by priests' brainwashing but rather by analysis of your experiences. Organized religion is a sham.
My conclusions are on personal beliefs, i havn't been brainwashed at all... i actually wasn't raised to be a strong church go-er type, in fact religion wasn't stressed on me to the least. Organized religion is a sham, to an extent it is.