Posted by VioLenT BoB (Dr.J0nes) at on October 20, 2003 at 05:54:04:
In Reply to: I disagree. posted by Bob301 on October 20, 2003 at 04:15:43:
: A lot of people have this idea that opinions can't be inherently right or rong, because they are opinions.
Is English your second language? Because if it isn't, here's some knowledge to make you feel good about your self. Each and every speaking individual on this planet possesses what is called an idiolect. Ya'll is considered gramatically incorrect in the north, yet in the south it permeates as part of many speaker's idiolects. In this manner, while we are RIGHT in our respective speaking areas we are as wrong in theirs as if we said Youse (in case you can't tell, I'm from Jersey. New to be exact. Not the Island of.)
With this in mind, I won't say that you are wrong or ignorant in spelling wrong R-O-N-G, I'm just going to assume it's part of your own personal idiolect and move on.
:This stems from the way we treat opinions- quasi-beliefs ith al of the benefits and none of the restrictions.
Again your idiolect has been horribly detrimental to the way I interpret this passage, but if what I gather is correct, you are in fact, wrong here. Or in the speech of your idiolect (I will show you the courtesy you denied me) rong her.
As a human being, especially a human being who also happens to reside in America or several other free countries, you ARE entitled to your own beliefs and opinions. No matter how far off from the national consensus they are, they are YOURS and YOURS alone.
:We have this unspoken agreement that opinions are completely subjective, that everyone is entitled o have whatever damn opinion they want, and that no opinion is better than any elses.
This is not an unspoken agreement so much as a written guarantee in the bill of rights, but go ahead, preach on.
:This is like beliefs (mostly religious, but applies to other beliefs as well) in that we say everyone is entitled to them, and how we say no opinion is better than anyone elses. Unlike most beliefs, opinions need not be backed up by any facts whatsoever (most beliefs, even religion, include facts that strengthen those beliefs). However, this is bullcrap.
Here I'm just going to digress and note that while you place no emphasis whatsoever on spelling correctly or conjugating verbs you go out of your way to type bull crap instead of bull shit and then only as one word. SIDE NOTE: Do you cry fudge when kicked/struck/hit in the B-A-Double LL-S?
:All opinions are not equal, you can't go around believing whatever the hell you want, and some opinions are WRONG.
No OPINIONS are wrong. Opinions are not treated or espoused as FACTS, only one's opinion.
: For instance, there are those whose opinion is the Holocaust wasn't so bad. This is wrong.
Was it? Who are you to judge? Depopulating Germany and its territories (no matter how short-term they were) might have been GREAT for the ECOSYSTEM. No one who believes the Holocaust wasn't "So Bad" is saying that Hitler wasn't evil, only that the numbers might possibly been exaggerated, or that several of the camps did not exterminate but only force Jews to work for free (Something that Americans did to the Africans only a hundred years previous and for about a hundred times as long.)
: There are those whose opinion it is that Americans have never been to the moon. This opinion is held by those unqualified to make the judgements- they don't count as much as, say, astronauts, astronomers, people who built the rockets, people who saw the launches IN PERSON, etc.
HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT WE'VE BEEN TO THE MOON? We're you alive in '69? Or are you going by your daddy's word for it? If you look at the tape of the Moon Landing and then look at the Matrix, there's a huge discrepancy in photo quality. Black and White for one. Not that it didn't happen, but it COULD have been completely manufactured, in which case, one's opinion could also turn out to be fact, much like your opinion, that it did happen could prove the same.
You and the opposing VIEW are BOTH entitled to your opinions, and since your lack of writing skills has detracted greatly from your points, I'm almost inclined to side with the other man. At least, side with him on his right to have an opinion that differs with another who believes he is r-o-n-g, Wrong.
: Some people have the opinion that one race is inherently superior to another, or all tohers. This is not based in fact whatsoever, and therefore is a bad opinion. Bad, as in not right, incorrect, worthless, without merit, not deserving of consideration.
We're all ONE race. The Human RACE. And yes, we ALL DID come out of Africa. These are both FACTS and my OPINION (the one I'm entitled to have). I'm also going to let the whole tohers/others thing go, but only because you didn't type antoher.
: To reiterate: opinions are not without qualifications. Opinions should net be treated with reverence, some people are just wrong and should be told so. All opinions are certainly not equal, and opinions can be bad.
Okay a typo on NOT? What the fuck, dude? The O key is struck with your ring finger on your right hand. The E key is struck with the middle finger of your left hand. Again I ask, WHAT THE FUCK?
Right now, the only way I would agree with you is if you stated that you did not have the right to a written opinion, because though people may find you pompous in speech, you definitely come across much better verbally (assuming you are pronouncing these vocabulary words correctly) than you do in text.
Take some time. Read a book. Shit, READ THE BILL OF RIGHTS. Then come back, and tell me who is wrong. It won't be me. Not if you read long and hard enough.