Posted by STRONGBADIA_Population:_Tire at on October 20, 2003 at 06:06:38:
In Reply to: I disagree. posted by Bob301 on October 20, 2003 at 04:15:43:
What the hell are you yammering about? One can have an opinion on anything. Just because an opinion conflicts with your world-view doesn't make it wrong.
I happen to have the opinion that the Holocaust was terrible. Genocide is never right. However, that is my opinion. The United States was founded on Genocide. And now we make cute jokes on SNL about the Indigenous Americans that the USA's forefathers slaughtered.
Check this:
o·pin·ion 1. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.
That is the beauty of opinion. Your assertions toward your argument are not even close to being valid. Opinions are by their very nature without any logical proof, rational thought, ethical value, and/or moral standing.
So, if it is my "opinion" based upon your post that you are narrow-minded uneducated know-it-all, is that also without qualification? Why do you get to be the author of how everyone is supposed to act in society? I mean, considering you are telling others how to feel and behave.
I am pleased to have responded to you. I did not know Barbara Streisand posted here.
: : : So now that the religion issue has died down, what else is there to talk about? I know it's late, but some of us are wired and eager to discuss (no more debating). Here's a topic. Is it wrong to like Clerks TAS more than all of the other Kevin Smith works?
: :
: : opinions. To each his/her own. If everyone liked all of the same things, this existence would be very boring.
: A lot of people have this idea that opinions can't be inherently right or rong, because they are opinions. This stems from the way we treat opinions- quasi-beliefs ith al of the benefits and none of the restrictions. We have this unspoken agreement that opinions are completely subjective, that everyone is entitled o have whatever damn opinion they want, and that no opinion is better than any elses. This is like beliefs (mostly religious, but applies to other beliefs as well) in that we say everyone is entitled to them, and how we say no opinion is better than anyone elses. Unlike most beliefs, opinions need not be backed up by any facts whatsoever (most beliefs, even religion, include facts that strengthen those beliefs). However, this is bullcrap. All opinions are not equal, you can't go around believing whatever the hell you want, and some opinions are WRONG.
: For instance, there are those whose opinion is the Holocaust wasn't so bad. This is wrong.
: There are those whose opinion it is that Americans have never been to the moon. This opinion is held by those unqualified to make the judgements- they don't count as much as, say, astronauts, astronomers, people who built the rockets, people who saw the launches IN PERSON, etc.
: Some people have the opinion that one race is inherently superior to another, or all tohers. This is not based in fact whatsoever, and therefore is a bad opinion. Bad, as in not right, incorrect, worthless, without merit, not deserving of consideration.
: To reiterate: opinions are not without qualifications. Opinions should net be treated with reverence, some people are just wrong and should be told so. All opinions are certainly not equal, and opinions can be bad.