Posted by shitty speller...DEAL WITH IT! at on October 21, 2003 at 01:03:00:
eh. Is the magic gone?
I dunno. Something about it...Just didn't enjoy it as much. Maybe it was because I don't remember/enjoy most of the second rate material used for the strikes back edition. Didn't like the panel as much this time around either. Too many people, just not that funny. ANd MIchael Ian Black is starting to annoy the shit out of me. A one trick pony if there ever was one. "hmmmmmmmm let me say the exact opposite of what is cool or right in a sarcastic tone, and then it will be really funny!"
uhh yea, rock on Michael. Sorta sad the only thing people will remember him by is how he has to comment on every fucking thing in the 70's and 80's.
But on the plus side, having the actor who played LONG DUCK DONG on was brilliant! Start working buddy! Give fans a spinoff movie!
Hopefully VH1 totally goes crazy and does an I love the whatever for each decade or something. That could be fun. Things I would like to hear:
Hal Sparks on prohibition
Michael Ian Black on the holocaust
John Mayer on civil rights
and RUN on flappers.