Posted by question214 at on October 17, 2003 at 14:46:38:
In Reply to: Repost-Mr. Kevin Smith, you're a genius! posted by NumberOneFan on October 17, 2003 at 13:42:34:
was this one allowed, because it was in the correct format, or did i just get slammed, because my post, was about checking out, and, free ways to help ppl?
: Hi Mr. Smith. My name is Mary Le Clair and I am 21 and from Toronto,
: Ontario, Canada. I have seen all of your movies a number of times. I think
: you are a true example of a genius. I know you probably hear this all the
: time but I am your number one fan (hence the nickname), and please don't
: think of that movie "Misery" when I say that. I won't try to lock you in a
: room and force you to write scripts my way. (If you haven't seen "Misery"
: that won't be the least bit funny and i'll feel like a total dumbass, an
: if you have seen it and don't laugh i'll also feel like a dumbass.)
: Anyway, I am writing you to ask you some questions. I am an apsiring
: writer myself, not scripts for movies mind you,(like your talented ass),
: but novels. Where are you mostly when you come up with idea's for your
: movies? Does anyone inspire you? Out of all your movies which is your
: personal favorite and why? Out of movies in gereral what are some of your
: favorites? How hard did you laugh when you seen the giant spider in "Wild
: Wild West?"(After all that bullshit with that Warner Brother's guy and the
: new Superman script). Did you know when you first met Jen, when she came
: to your room the first night you both met to interview you for USA Today,
: that she would be your one and only forever? Did you believe for one
: minute that the guy in the audience at "An Evening with Kevin Smith"(Kent
: State) was really named Geek? (sorry I just had to add that one in). Is
: Mr. Mewes doing ok? As a child did you always want to be a writer or did
: you have any other ambitions? What types of music do you listen to? I have
: so many others, but I know you're a busy man and if you don't have time to
: reply i'll understand. I just wanted you to know that you're awesome and
: so is Mr. Mewes. Any advice from you as to how I could become as witty a
: writer as yourself? Your movies bring me up when I'm down, and just show
: how the world is from your point of view, which is my point of view as
: well. I can identify with the humour in your dialouge. I wish you and Jen
: all the best. You are a true sweetheart I'm sure of it, but I always love
: it when you kick it up a notch, BAM!!! (If you've never seen the cooking
: show "essence of Emeril" you wont find that the least bit funny either,
: and if you have and don't laugh once again i'll feel like a dumbass). You
: rock my world and I can't wait to see what's up your sleeve next. You are
: truly, truly a genius and it's so good to see a writer have the courage to
: say what everybody laughs about in their own minds eye, but would never
: say themsleves out loud. Have a nice day and thank you for your time and
: attention in reading this post. (I can't believe that Prince didn't thank
: you for all your hard work and stress with HIS documentary, and screw Tim
: Burton and his Quote!) Thanks again...Your Number One Fan, ~Mary from the
: T-Dot O-Dot(Toronto)~