Posted by ShazzikinZ at on October 18, 2003 at 09:11:48:
Sorry, guys-- I saw this earlier and wanted to rant- I'm a regular(lurker) here on the boards, and I thought this might meet
I find it REALLY freaking funny when someone does something like this. Going up against a company that sells deep fried poultry on account of cruel treatment? PETA, PETA, PETA.. The whole point of eating the chicken is making sure it's dead! If they're gonna go up against Col. Sanders for feeding, drugging, and slaughtering chickens- Then the ACLU is probably going to come after me for my last Christmas Party (Well, it lacked the Slaughtering, of course- that was new years'.)Frankly, If you're going to pay $4.99 for a 2-piece and a biscuit, Don't ask questions. Next thing we know, PETA is going to go up against McD's for the poor treatment of the cows before slaughter-- I know everybody here wants the source of their Grade D meat to be sung to for 45 minutes a day, and be read a story before bedtime. Frankly, If I was going to pay $4.99 for a 2-piece and a biscuit, I wouldn't ask questions. I'd shut the hell up, and clog my arteries further, like a good little consumer. If one was so concerned with being humane- one should become a vegetarian, and write a pamphlet or something. Yet, unfortunately, my logic must be flawed, because it makes sense to me- and that's a rarity for my ilk(The Mentally Insane).
Oh, yes-- pay no mind to the above rant- I apologize- I get all worked up with Pam Anderson comes into play :-P