Re: the seven deadly sins... Which 1's r u guilty

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Posted by crazyjane. at on November 06, 2003 at 09:26:15:

In Reply to: the seven deadly sins... Which 1's r u guilty of? posted by SanguiSuga on November 06, 2003 at 08:13:05:

Pride: Mate, I have to walk around most of the day covered in baby snot, baby puke, baby...well...other stuff! No pride here!

Gluttony: Hell YES!! I AM gluttony! Just call me crazygluttonyjane!

: Sloth: I would love to claim this sin as my own, yet alas! Children - they prevent this sin from ever happening.

: Envy: Nah! Everyones some degree of crap going on in their lives, no matter how appealing they seem. My own crap does me fine!

: Wrath: I've got a temper but it generally burns out as quickly as it flares up - so this answer is, not so much.

: Lust: Yes.

: Greed: This always seems to be the same as envy to me. I think, if you're a miserable bastard when you have nothing you'd still be the same miserable bastard at the end of the day if you had it all. Happiness is a state of mind, not the state of your wallet.

: So board members.... Which one's are you most guilty of and why?

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