Posted by SweetIrony at on November 07, 2003 at 15:14:14:
In Reply to: Poll! posted by AshFan on November 07, 2003 at 14:58:04:
: 1. What is your favorite kind of tree?
: 2. What color hair do you like in a significant other
dark brown/black
: 3. Do you go dance, or sit back and watch
Either/or - completely depends on my mood and how much I like the clothes I'm wearing.
: 4. Favorite booze filled drink
Jim Beam/Sprite
: 5. Favorite domesticated animal
: 6. Favorite non-domesticated animal
: 7. Pro or anti fisting?
What you do on your own time is none of my business.
: 8. When monks set themselves on fire, do you get the message? Or just think, wow, look at that monk on fire.
I'm always looking for the deeper meaning, although in this case I might feel compelled to remind him of the "Stop, drop, & roll!" maneuver.
: 9. Dream car
: 10. Favorite state of being