i thought it kicked ass...

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Posted by MasterdeBater774 at ip68-227-28-57.lv.lv.cox.net on November 07, 2003 at 17:30:25:

In Reply to: MATRIX WAS AWFUL!!!! posted by Mixed Nuts Man on November 07, 2003 at 10:13:42:

: I know this day or two old news, but last night I saw Revolutions and I just had to say that it was byfar the most God awful thing I have ever seen in my life....this made Reloaded (which sucked to begin with) look like it was a masterpiece....The Wachowski Brothers screwed their shit up majorly....

: Revolutions was nothing but horrible dialogue, shitty acting (admit it, it really was), and horrible disappointing story. My God, it was TERRIBLE!!!!

And i loved reloaded... I mean i think the ending had more to do with the philosophy then the plot itself... Personally i would of stayed true to the original matrix and just have Neo free everyone but then again Reloaded was sweet.

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