Um.. cokechic.. can you not read? *nt*

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Posted by cokechic at on November 07, 2003 at 19:35:21:

In Reply to: And you are?-nt posted by WhosYourDaddy on November 07, 2003 at 19:33:45:

: : : : Dear:
: : : : [x] idiot [x] retard [x] moron [x] Fuckwit

: : : :
: : : : You are being flamed because: (Check all that apply)

: : : :
: : : : [x] you are boring, useless, and stupid
: : : : [x] you are a moron

: : : :
: : : : To recant, you must:
: : : : [x] actually post a message that makes sense
: : : : [x] Post a public essay regarding your own mental (or emotional or sexual) inadequacies

: : : :
: : : : Thank you for the time you have taken to read this, and please desist from the offending behavior that led to this flame.

: : : : ==========================================================================
: : : : END FLAME
: : : : ==========================================================================

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