Re: Fuck Howard Dean, Fuck him in his stupid ass

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Posted by meche at on November 08, 2003 at 10:42:53:

In Reply to: Fuck Howard Dean, Fuck him in his stupid ass posted by crackrabbit2 on November 08, 2003 at 04:42:30:

: O.K. granted, I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, I missed out on going to Stash bash b/c my dad had surgery. Ive done some dumb shit in my life, Ive never taken any pride in my heritage. I always figured that the fact that my parents happened to fuck in a certain geographic location didnt mean anything, but by God that sonofabitch Dean has really managed to piss me off. First off, Im no conservative, I beleive in socialized medicine (which , in my neck of the woods, means you might as well be flying a hammer and scythe, and praising Lennon) But holy shit! for the first time in my life I believe that I may be judged by my accent rather than who I am. Is that really what you Yankees think of us? that we're all sitting around watching NASCAR praying for a crash, in between denouncing unwed mothers and lynching the colored folks, and homosexuals, while flying the stars and bars and humming along with Tobey keith? MOTHERFUCKER!! I trust the cats on this board to give me the lowdown, what do non-southerners really think of southerners? I'd love Kevin's opinion and anyone else in hollywood's, but, frankly I doubt it'd be in their best interests to respond, and I really wanna hear from the people on the board.

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