My lowdown on Ho Dean.. yeah, ho is his nickname..

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Posted by Mary2 at on November 08, 2003 at 12:53:33:

In Reply to: Fuck Howard Dean, Fuck him in his stupid ass posted by crackrabbit2 on November 08, 2003 at 04:42:30:

given him by the people of Vermont.. and they have every reason. He's not a native of that state either. Under Ho Dean's leadership, the poor and middle classes found their taxes raised 9.5% higher. He touts himself as the man with the plan for providing health care insurance for every American and pats himself on the back for providing it to nearly every Vermonter, what he doesn't say is that he used a grant provided by the Clinton Administration, for the original CHIPs program to do it with, and then used the medicaid funding the state gets for the poorest and uses that to fund his "health insurance" program, including for those who do not meet the criteria for medicaid. The result was a gutted access to care program that actually denies care. Over the years he has tried to limit physicians abilities to prescribe medications, attempting to force doctors to push OTC meds first. Remove dental and eye glasses coverage. Over time doctors stopped taking anyone who had medicare or medicaid. Normal health insurance providers fled the state, forcing more people to have no choice but to rely on Dean's flop of a program. The current state of what Dean would like to impose on all of us is that the people of Vermont (including the poor) pay exhorbitant premiums and copays for what is a substandard medicaid program that is already paid for by the taxpayers. He has gutted funding for public education, and has mismanaged the budget of Vermont so badly that the state college system is among the highest in the nation, but has so few Vermonters attending that it's coming more and more under scrutiny. BTW, only 26% of Vermonters have any higher education, an aside, 20% of those are reciepients of trust funds, and not real Vermonters. Approximately 76% of the people of Vermont have said they would not only not vote for Dean as governor of their state, but that they wouldn't vote for him for president.

Ho Dean has been on the take by corporate interests in Vermont, including IBM, Husky Injection Molding, and Vermont's Yankee Nuclear Power company. Since announcing (2 years ago) that he was planning a presidential run, he's been on the take from similar industries.

The late Senator Paul Wellstone labeled Dean an environmental racist for his push to send Vermont's nuclear waste to the poor town of Sierra Blanca, Texas.

As a lifelong northerner, who has lived down south.. I don't subscribe to any stereotypes. Ignorance is an equal opportunity offender, and I've seen that all too often displayed by many who live up here in my neck of the woods... and elsewhere in the world as well. Most southerners I've met over the years were decent, hardworking people, not racist and certainly not deserving of the kind of claptrap Ho Dean's attempting to spin. The man's a divide and conquer conservative under the skin who doesn't have a plan that he hasn't borrowed, stolen from others. Like GW Bush, he's a political opportunist who has gotten by on his family's wealth and connections. His governance in Vermont was piecemeal patchwork style add here cut there, based on attempting to cover up his one screw up after another. He's hid his gubenatorial records under a seal for 10 years, far longer than others have.. in fact the only other candidate to have gone for such a long seal is.. you guessed it, GW Bush. At the time he claimed he didn't want to have to deal with a Willie Horton episode of his own.

Should we be so unfortunate as to have him for the democratic nominee, the GOP, that under Karl Rove's guidance have given him the nod, will savage him. Exposing all his flaws and providing Bush an easy slide into another four years.

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