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Posted by warren (ynm) at on November 08, 2003 at 19:41:23:

In Reply to: I can bite my tongue on all of these except 1..... posted by GTJDorris on November 08, 2003 at 18:02:06:

: : : So he can't fix someone dying in "real" life but he can make machines drop out of the sky? That's fucking weak.

: : Yeah, because of his fusing with Smith at the end of the first movie, it gave him a connection with the machines.

: Apparently you didn't watch these movies that close because he did that many many MANY times before he "fused with Smith."

No, dude, he didn't. I'm talking about the FIRST movie. He NEVER stopped any machines in the real world until the end of RELOADED. He fused with Smith at the end of the FIRST movie, when he flew into him and made him blow up.

Are you high? Seriously, maybe you're confused or something, but I'm 100% positive I'm right.

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