Posted by JimmyG at on November 09, 2003 at 02:30:30:
In Reply to: How do you like 'dem Polls? posted by Chicago on November 09, 2003 at 02:09:10:
: Movie Poll
: 1.) Do you watch Motion on
: 2.) How often do you go to to watch trailers?
never bothered
: 2a.) How often do you go to any onine trailer site to watch trailers?
on occasion
: 4.) If, by some obscure law, you were only allowed to watch movies by ONE production company, what would you choose? (i.e. WB, Dreamworks) [4a.) Was there even a need for an "i.e."?]
Well that's unfair, but I guess Dreamworks since it has Spieldburg.
: 5.) Do you watch/listen to the commentary tracks on the DVD?
Ok now I'm not sucking up to Smith here this is the truth. So far I've listened to all of Kevin Smiths commentaries completely through. Others I sometimes switch on during a scene I want to hear more about.
: 6.) Do you write reviews for any obscure publication? (Or not obscure)
: 7.) Have you ever used the word "obscure" more than three times in one sitting?
obscure more that three times, who would use obscure more than three times, thats a bit obscure, just obscure... obscure.
: 8.) Do you despise Ebert and Roeper?
Only when I disagree.
: 9.) How many movies DO you see per hour/day/week/month/year/lifetime?
0.5 I don't know