Posted by Otis at on November 09, 2003 at 11:03:46:
In Reply to: How do you like 'dem Polls? posted by Chicago on November 09, 2003 at 02:09:10:
: Movie Poll
: 1.) Do you watch Motion on
: 2.) How often do you go to to watch trailers?
: 2a.) How often do you go to any onine trailer site to watch trailers?
very rarely. I tend to avoid trailers because too many jokes or plot lines have been ruined for me by trailers that give away too much. I know if I want to see a movie by director, actor, writer...and I'd rather see it completely fresh the first time.
: 4.) If, by some obscure law, you were only allowed to watch movies by ONE production company, what would you choose? (i.e. WB, Dreamworks) [4a.) Was there even a need for an "i.e."?]
Dreamworks never seems to let me down but I love Miramax too
: 5.) Do you watch/listen to the commentary tracks on the DVD?
always. I love commentary tracks. Sometimes more than the movie (ex. Cannibal, the Musical)
: 6.) Do you write reviews for any obscure publication? (Or not obscure)
: 7.) Have you ever used the word "obscure" more than three times in one sitting?
no...well maybe
: 8.) Do you despise Ebert and Roeper?
I have ZERO faith in Ebert as a film critic. I stopped watching the show before Roeper came along so can't really comment on the one or two times I've seen him. Seems like a reasonable guy. I had all respect for Gene Siskel
: 9.) How many movies DO you see per hour/day/week/month/year/lifetime?
Hella/Ass Load/Shit Ton