Posted by saturnkitty at on November 09, 2003 at 11:46:37:
Good morning Kevin!
Just wanted to say thanks for the Stash Bash. I had an amazing time.
I really appreciate the invite a lot. There were about ten billion things I
wanted to ask you there but my brain couldn't quite get up the steam
to actually function. Anyway, I remember a bit of what I wanted to say:
1) At the Bash, did you get the pie made for you and Jay? I realized
later that you were probably still on your diet but I didn't know if you
guys would be hungry or not. Pretty dorky of me, huh?
2) Remember that Wizard Edge Jay & Bob 2 page comic contest
thing 2 years ago? I know this is a long shot, but I feel so bad about
the artwork I submitted that I was wondering since it's been such a
long time since the contest started/ended, can there somehow be a
do-over contest where we can submit new pages? Just an idea.
3) Not really a question, but I absolutely loved what I saw of Jersey
Girl. I won't go into detail with spoilers, but I went through something
very similar growing up so it really struck a chord for me. Can't wait to
see the whole thing.
4) You're probably getting sick of being asked this, but any plans on
Vulgarthon yet? Like when and where it'll be roughly? I'd like a third
chance to actually be coherent, interesting and NOT a zombie in front
of you since I kinda screwed that up the first two times meeting you.
5) Finally just a shout-out for my college, the Savannah College of Art
& Design in Savannah, GA. We're trying to work it out with your agency
to ask you to come down here. The show of interest from the student
body for getting you here has been enormous. I know your schedule
is incredibly busy now, but just hear them out. They're good people.
Or hell, the next time you're down this way, drop me a line and I'll
show you around Savannah myself.
Thanks so much!