Whoops, Same question, different spot, my bad

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Posted by Anikia at c68.112.185.13.fdl.wi.charter.com on November 09, 2003 at 11:57:00:

Oopsie, anyways, if you already answered many thanks

Hey Mr. Kevin, small question

As a writer, do you throw a story out if you can' finish it? I've got maybe five stories going that I just can't seem to end and the recycle bin on my computer is looking mighty tempting. Blah, then again maybe I've just chosen the wrong profession in life but damn, it gets frustrating trying to follow the path that you want with a fucking passion. Anyways, thanks for your time, appreciate it a lot and thank you for all that you do, stash bash was a blast even if I was to chicken shit to ask any questions then :)


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