Posted by GTJDorris at on November 09, 2003 at 16:31:03:
In Reply to: Ummm actually... posted by zeta on November 09, 2003 at 15:44:31:
The doors weren't supposed to open till 10 am or whatever time. Ha! I was in the building before then and the line was capped. Actually, I walked to the end of the line, stood there for 15 minutes or so getting ready for the long haul AND THEN they capped the line right in front of me. Wouldn't have been so bad except that a) there was no one behind me; it literally would have been ONE more person to the show and b) they were rude about it; the staffers asked me in a hostile accusatory tone "Did you just cut in line???" I answered them baffled telling them that no, but I had walked up to THE END OF THE LINE like an honest person and was standing there waiting. Then I was almost screamed at by staff telling me that the line was cut off. The staffers that were in line in front of me (that were there to work mind you, but still took up spaces) said "well we've been waiting here a while." Obviously it couldn't have been that long since the doors weren't even supposed to have been open yet, and plus, I had been waiting for about 20 minutes as it was and they were absolutely determined to insult me not to mention make sure no matter what that I couldn't get into the show.
Obviously not a slam at Kev in any way, the guy's bent over backwards (yes, literally) to show me a good time in the past and nothing makes me think he would do otherwise in the future. However, the staff of that joint was rude as fuck, not to mention cold and heartless.
But my comics idol of Jim Lee saved the day by signing AND sketching for every single person in line for nearly an hour past when he was slotted to. He's a really great guy and terribly humble.