Re: the seven deadly sins... Which 1's r u guilty

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Posted by JaxTJ at on November 06, 2003 at 11:13:32:

In Reply to: the seven deadly sins... Which 1's r u guilty of? posted by SanguiSuga on November 06, 2003 at 08:13:05:

To varying degrees, yes to almost all of them.

: Looking for some degree of inspiration to get started on my new novel, I'm listening/watching to the movie "Seven" and I was wondering, of the seven deadly sins which one's are we the most guilty of?

: Pride: Yes

: Gluttony: But gluttony is not strictly limited to food. You can be a glutton for punishment, etc. You may own a copy of everthing sold from the stash.

: Sloth: Very seldom

: Envy: Often. I want what others have, sometimes to the point of forgetting just how good I really have it.

: Wrath: Yes.

: Lust: Yes.

: Greed: Yes.

: So board members.... Which one's are you most guilty of and why?

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