right????- nt

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Posted by MasterdeBater774 at ip68-227-28-57.lv.lv.cox.net on November 09, 2003 at 18:10:05:

In Reply to: Re: no the odds are against you.... posted by JEDI_PIMP on November 09, 2003 at 18:03:24:

: : : : Despite some good sequels here and there, I still think the majority of them aren't that great...maybe no "suck" but by no means better

: :
: : : i wanna see examples, ill put money on that there are more good than bad sequels, the odds are against you!

: : Sequels and prequels usually suck... it's true, no reason in denying it. The original Star Wars are an exception but the prequels suck so much fucking balls they destroy the entire name of Star Wars. I liked Reloaded and Revolutions but it's still true, most sequels do suck... Look at Aliens Resurrection that totally sucked balls. Their are some good ones, but i think their's more sequels that suck then their are good. Either way it's all based on opinions

: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

: exactly....!!!! u think that "there" are more.. read a book watch a flick just stay the fuck offa my dick...

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