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Posted by Mixed Nuts Man at pcp02432479pcs.trnrsv01.nj.comcast.net on November 09, 2003 at 18:30:54:

In Reply to: Oh, knock it off Mixed Nuts Man. posted by Ralphy ™ on November 09, 2003 at 18:27:47:

First off, I wouldn't have shown any of Zion....The first Matrix shows us with these small group of characters that we fell in love with...and then they suddenly threw about 600 new characters into the mix that were nothing more than extraneous time fillers (ie: the Twins)

Neo's character 100% changed...but not in development, just laziness...what made Neo work as a character was the simple fact that he had self doubt...that he was vulnerable...that he was learning...he all the sudden became all powerful invincible without any motivation

The love story was nothing more than something they threw in because it is almost "required"

Each and every action sequence begged the audience to like it...instead of letting us chose for ourselves...

The second two Matrix films became so pompous, self absorbed, and pretencious that everything that was once loved with the original was thrown out the door...

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