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Posted by STRONGBADIA_Population:_Tire at on November 06, 2003 at 11:39:25:

In Reply to: Stephen King meets Anne rice poll posted by AshFan on November 06, 2003 at 10:37:37:

Anne Rice sucks ass and Stephen King is far too talented to be in the same league as her. Did you know he is the only living wirter to never have any of his books go out of print? At least that is what I heard. As a person who reads all of the time, and I will read almost anything, I find Anne Rice to be banal and talentless. Tell me, what is it about being the undead that makes you want to bone someone in the ass? Does that come after the super strength?

: Be honest, after reading the vampire chronicles, didn't you identify with being one? Didn't you have the thought..."you know, drinking blood sounds like the way to go!"? And after reading the gunslinger, didn't you get a mirror to see if you could 'draw' that fast?

: If Stephen King, and Anne Rice wrote a book together, what would it be called? What's the basic plot?

: Could the "Pennywise", the Clown in, "It", beat up Lestat AFTER he drank the queens blood (not the queen of urban legend, the other queen, the vampire chic)?

: If Roland (the Gunslinger) hooked up with Speedy (from the Talisman, and Dark house), who would win in a game of chess (assuming they had nothing else going on).

: Randal Flagg, and Pennywise decide to go together and open a restaurant... Who does PR, and who handles hands on management/employees? Why?

: Louie (Interview with a Vampire) seeks counseling for his 'personal problems'. After being 'cured' of his remorse and guilt with vampire Prozac, is he the new badboy vampire terror? Or does he start up a support group in the local den to help others 'sort out their feelings'.

: Lestat moves to a remote country cabin, only to find the townsfolk, and himself succumbing to the influence of the Tommyknockers... After his dead cat comes back from the pet cemetery. does he shoot it with a home made laser weapon built from an old cd player, or drink it's blood for that "funky wendigo buzz".

: Salem's lot vampire's vs. Anne Rice's... who is more bad ass?

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