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Posted by MasterdeBater774 at ip68-227-28-57.lv.lv.cox.net on November 10, 2003 at 02:15:25:

In Reply to: Pollito Ohio posted by Chicago on November 10, 2003 at 02:00:49:

: This one's for the morningers...

: 1.) Where in the world IS Carmen San Diego?


: 2.) Which would you choose... Bowling, Ping Pong, or Billiards?

bowling ping-ards

: 3.) This one's a little complicated: Pick a character who dies in a movie... which one would you want to be? (In other words... out of all the ways people have died on celluloid, which way would you like to go?)

I'd say but it might be a spoiler for people who havn't seen it yet... those of you who have know exactly who i'm talking about.

: 4.) What else would you choose... Spiral Notebook, Yellow Legal Pad, or Leather Bound Notepad with Pen Holder and a Pocket for Business Cards?

spiral bound notepad with pen holder and a pocket for yellow legal pad cards.

: 5.) In the line of "versus" movies (Freddy vs. Jason, Alien vs. Predator) who should fight Agent Smith?

: 5a.) Harry Potter vs. my magical testicles

: 5b.) Edward Scissorhands vs. Macy Grays hair!

: 5c.) The Grinch vs. Will Farells Elf Character!

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