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Posted by Frank T.J Mackey at on November 10, 2003 at 14:58:51:

"The fourth dimension is the home of the Complex numbers and Fractal geometry. Unlike the other dimensions, the fourth is the real world in which we live. It is the space time continuum of Man and Nature where there is constant change based on feedback. As Mandelbrot recently discovered the fourth dimension includes not only the first three dimensions, but also the gaps or intervals between them, the fractal dimensions."

that make sense? let me break it down for you.....

what year is it? 2003 right? right. but essentially years only exist in our 3 dimensional thinking (moving left/right, back/forth, up/down). we feel as if we are moving forward in time but we are not. we are moving "through" time...through the 4th dimension. events that took place 1000 years ago are building an arch, so to speak, in time. in simple terms, we still live in the same "year" as the dinosaurs. events just happened that changed the face of things, not "years".

events apon events make time, not the passing of minutes. "constant change based on feedback".

so, to say something is old is wrong. you should say instead that something is changed because of events that have taken place. we are all the same age, we just have different starting points. things happen in our lifes that make us smarter, wiser, frailer, weaker, stronger, so on and so on.

so in closing....me turning 32 years old today does not really make me 32 years old right?

yeah, right. at any rate, happy birthday to me! think ill get drunk tonight!


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