Posted by amanda22 at on November 06, 2003 at 02:20:39:
I've heard through the local grapevine that a Dallas DJ (Josh at KDGE) is trying to set up an interview with you when you're in town.
Any chance of that happening?
(And, if it would influence the decision, you couldn't ask for a better or nicer guy to interview you. Josh is one of the biggest and most vocal VA fans in town -- he constantly pimps your flicks and throws VA references into his shows. Hell, he's even got photos of his trip to Red Bank posted on the station's website. All that, AND his Sunday night "Adventure Club" show is about the only reason I turn off the CD player and turn on the radio anymore.)
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that some of us in Dallas would love to hear you on Josh's show.