Posted by Smalls at on November 06, 2003 at 16:48:42:
In Reply to: Just curious posted by WhosYourDaddy on November 06, 2003 at 16:35:58:
: Is your dislike for the Military/Industrial Complex or the working class folks like the one in the pic who are downtrodden by the Military/Industrial complex?
For one... dude... I was making a funny.
Can a dude make a funny, Splinter-style?
For two, the inequities as they exist today exist because of the ignorance of the downtrodden, who've bought into the lie that as long as they don't share, don't pay their taxes, don't search for an shared-and-sustainable society and rather lie cheat and steal for themselves, they'll get to eventually be the rich and beautiful people.
As long as people are tricked by Fox News et al into believing its their job to fight amoungst themselves over the piecrust... instead of stepping up and asking for a fairer divide of the pie itself, we're fucked.
Why 99.9999999% of America would support a tax cut, a government support of large business, the privatization of schools, the continued private nature of health care and utilities... the only explaination can be the intense conservative newsmedia bias translating into the American poor and middle-class's horrifically short-term and small-picture thinking.
We're all in this together, kid.
But the above was a joke.