just to end all this spoiler nonsense...(spoilers)

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Posted by Keeyop at cpc3-warw1-6-0-cust15.brhm.cable.ntl.com on November 06, 2003 at 21:04:16:

here are the ones that I can remember...

David, having received his true wish (becoming a real boy was only a means to attaining her love) falls asleep and has sweet dreams. (AI)

Trinity Dies, the film is shit (Matrix revolutions)

Jeff Bridges did it (Jagged Edge)

Darth Vader is Luke Skywalkers father (Empire Strikes Back)

Bud (Ed Harris) makes it to the sea floor, and successfully disarms the nuke. Realizing that he hasn't enough oxygen left to get back, he lies down to die. The amazing denizens of the ocean bottom save him, bring his entire crew to the surface, and (hopefully) teach humanity a valuable lesson about playing with dangerous toys in other people's back yards. (The Abyss)

Colonel Fitts (Chris Cooper) kills Lester (Kevin Spacey). (American Beauty)

The remote detonating device for the bomb is broken. Harry (Bruce Willis) stays behind, detonating it manually, thus saving the Earth. (Armageddon)

Sam Lowry's (Jonathan Pryce's) rescue is a dream. (Brazil)

Monfriez (Lou Diamond Philips) killed Captain Karen Emma Walden (Meg Ryan) to cover up his cowardace. (Courage Under Fire)

In order to save the world from destruction, Johnny Smith (Christopher Walken) goes to a "town hall" meeting to kill Greg Stillson (Martin Sheen). There is a shootout, in which Johnny is killed. Soon the worls discovers that in the melee, Stillson used a child as a human shield. This act of cowardice ruins his presidential bid. (The Dead Zone)

Snake (Kurt Russell) saves the President, but destroys the tape that would bring world peace. (Escape From New York)

Slugworth" was working for Wonka all along. It was a ruse to weed out the bad kids, and Charlie passes the test when he gives back the Everlasting Gobstopper. (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)

Dudley (James Cromwell) is behind everything. He's taking over Mickey Cohen's rackets, and his own hand-picked cops will be the new franchise holders. (L.A. Confindential)

Howard Beale (Peter Finch) is assassinated on his live national television show. The VP of Programming, Diana Christensen (Faye Dunaway) saw it as a cheaper alternative to firing him, and as a way to get higher ratings and save her own job and Max's (William Holden's). (Network)

A kid dances with a cat (always)

Bruce Willis is Dead (Sixth Sense)

The Martians all die following exposure to Earth's "benign" airborne bacteria. (War of the worlds)

Well I hope thats enough spoilers to be getting on with, maybe now people will be able to write prose without giving away major plot points, I know it must be hard but lets face it every reviewer in the fucking world seems to manage it and some of them write like a three year old on drugs.

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