No, I stopped going there over a year and a half..

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Posted by Mary2 at on November 07, 2003 at 00:14:26:

In Reply to:'re one of those trolls aren't you? posted by Slavei on November 07, 2003 at 00:04:51:

ago, and it's nothing to do with Grim, he, she or it isn't the site admin. Neil is. The thing is that there was very little Dead talk going on, and more lies about the purported benefits of communism.. if you differ from that particular worldview, that gets Neil all in a twitter.. I guess it's the fear that he'll never get out of that nasty coldwater bedsit and be launched as supreme leader of the world that gets his knickers in such a twist.

As to the best site.. that's a matter of speculation. Alot of fans got fed up and left en masse.. and the talk is that Neil was one of the people behind attacking the official George A. Romero forum on the old original site, because he pitched a fit when he got his ass busted for spamming the board with alot of "check out my site" postings.

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