Posted by SanguiSuga at on November 06, 2003 at 09:11:24:
In Reply to: Honestly? posted by Will Turner, Karaoke King on November 06, 2003 at 08:39:27:
: Gluttony: I had my last snack blow out yesterday. From now on, I'm watching what I eat. *That sounds well-thought-out and very healthy
: Pride: I do write scripts and think "that's great" at the end.* To be proud of what you write is not a sin, to think that it's the greatest thing ever written.... now that is hubris - outrageous pride and that is a sin.
: Sloth: I really need to motivate myself to do work, but I always get it done in the end. *I think denotes your age more than anything and that is not a bad thing because I would kill to be 20something and laz-away a rainy sunday in bed with someone special.
: Envy: My bro has an ex-model wife, a fabulous house with a roof garden and a kid on the way! His job lets him travel across Europe and he trained with Parma when they had Stoichkov, Zola and Asprilla! So yeah, I'm a little jealous *Hell man, that makes you human!
: Lust: I love this girl, but have no idea how to approach her and now I keep thinking about her. That's as close to lust as I get. *Talk to her - life's too damn short to waste a minite of it and I should know because my brother died and the kid wasn't even 17! So Talk to her, send her something - anything!
: Wrath: I tend to be pretty calm, but can fly off the handle if pushed.
*Again human!*
: Greed: Ok, partially see envy, but for the most part I'm not materialistic, and I give money to beggars and charities if I have it.
*And that makes you a nice guy!*