Posted by innerinsanity666 at on November 15, 2003 at 22:49:36:
In Reply to: Yeah, but... posted by RJones2125 on November 15, 2003 at 22:34:10:
I was the crazy ugly kid that people yelled shit at, but I only got into like 3 fights with a bully ever,here's a list:
Nate Mitchel: He was sent to the hospital, see I cracked his head open slamming it on the ground like 50 times. (and I got 50 some odd hours of community service.)
Jason Sonders: He was sent to the hospital with a concussion caused by me hitting him with a metal Tray, he was forced off the football team because of it. ( I got detention for a year and a 2 week vacation from school)
Nick Veneman: I kicked the living shit out of this one, broken nose, teeth knocked out, black eye, busted lip I even cracked one of his ribs...He crossed the line and called my mom a fat bitch..stupid shit.
(and I got sent to a school for "Emotionally Impared" kids...Yep, good ol Sheldon Pines)