Posted by innerinsanity666 at on November 16, 2003 at 03:01:09:
In Reply to: For Kevin Smith: Jay and Silent Bob' first high posted by tuby lunchbox on November 16, 2003 at 02:26:15:
Here's a list
1. Jay and silent bob Have never been to school, well High school at least, it says so in the insert for the chasing amy special edition dvd...Jay and silent bob: no educational record what-so-ever.
2. You are not the biggest Jay and silent Bob fan in the world, This is a proven fact, the biggest jay and silent bob fan in the world is Micheal DeCarrs, weighing in at well over 600 lbs he is obviously the BIGGEST Jay and silent bob fan in the world.
3. Kevin in all his wisdom has seen fit to put asunder the realm of Jay and Silent Bob, there is to be o more, so shall it be written so shall it be done.
4. If kevin WERE to make this movie, you would not be anywhere's near it, you hold no claim over any story written about them and have absolutley no leverage with wich to negotiate for the part...besides Jason Biggs would get the role of the young silent bob.
5. In a kevin smith film Hilarity is present, but it certianly does not insue.
6. It was a smart move not to try and make a jay and silent bob movie of your own, if you were to have done that, either kevin would have sued your ass for everything you have...or the viewaskew community would have tracked you down and dispenced justice...the Judge Dred way.
7. you are not the only person known as lunchbox, in fact most of us have a friend whom we refer to as lunchbox, or tons of fun, or one of the many other countless monicers associated with Silent Bob.
8. For the record Silent bob Is not a pothead, Jay is the Junkie with the monkey, Shuler Bop has only been recorded using drugs of any nature ONCE, and that was in the Afroman Music Video. In all other media publications, of any and all kinds Jay was the only one to smoke the wacky tobacy, he has been known to sit by jay as jay uses the green Herb, but as you can clearly see in the movie dogma, on the train when Jay and Loki are smoking it, it goes from jay to loki and back to was never passed to silent bob.
9. lastly, Im sure you are a Fan, and that your intentions are good, but on this board you follow rules, rule one read the will give the rest of the rules...failure to follow these rules will result in many a Veiwaskewer Flaming you, and possibly a red. Kevin very rarely replies to posts of this nature, for legal purposes he cant say one way or annother if your idea is at all good.
Now, as far as you being a huge pothead, maybe you didnt know, but our little jay actually had a drug probelem, we just got him to clean up, he spent a long time in rehab, for this purpose we as a community have taken up the stance that Drugs arent really that cool, and for the purposes of this board we would apreciate it if you kept drug talk to a minimum as jay has alot of free time now and loggs on quite often. We DO want him to stay clean and sober. This is one of many reasons that the jay and bob genere is dead. Kevin would like to devote his attention to films of a classier nature, and we as fans have decided to support him in this decision. Although you are not alone in wanting more jay and bob, and maybe he will do one more movie with them in it, the clerks animated movie, but thats it, no more.