Posted by Randal2477 at on November 17, 2003 at 01:12:33:
In Reply to: Re: Little late (I work nights and slept this morn posted by Kevin on November 17, 2003 at 01:03:17:
: : 1> I saw you liked our website (Chat Askew). Any suggestions on content you'd like to see?
: I'm going to start a VA User tattoo archive, those users who have tats with VA related stuff,
: we're gonna feature 'em, and my radio show, but that's all I've got for now. Any ideas?
: The tat archive sounds cool, though I can't imagine there are more than five folks with
: Askew tats.
I'm actually interested in seeing what we come up with. Campaign for the VA tats will start shortly, so check back. =)
: : 2> I had mentioned to you earlier about doing a live Q&A.
: That's what this board is, isn't it?
Yeah yeah yeah... =) Good point. Stop in sometime to chat, if you get a few free mins. And tell Jay to come back, we haven't seen him in forever!!!
Once again, thanks for everything and providing me a medium to base a website on. Stash Bash was great, I wasn't there, but thanks to all the great users here, I felt like I was with all the pics I got.