Posted by colby at on November 17, 2003 at 12:04:10:
In Reply to: Post Weekend poll posted by Lokileby on November 17, 2003 at 11:25:03:
: 1. Did you stay in or go out this weekend?
Friday-out, Saturday-in
: 2. How much alcohol did you drink this weekend?
1 1/2 bottles of vodka, and four beers
: 3. What alcohol was it that you were drinking the most of (if you
Vodka, vodka, and more vodka
: 4. What movies did you watch this weekend? List them and give
them a rating of 1-10 for each (if you like).
"Gerry" check out the link below to my previous post on the topic.
: 5. What did you watch on TV this weekend?
No TV for me. I kicked my addiction to cable TV more than a year ago
by going cold turkey. (I still watch '24' via VCR tapings, however)
: 6. What did you listen to this weekend? (Musically that is)
Not much really. I did listen to last Friday's Tony Kornheiser show
online though ... does that count?
: 7. Approzimately how much sleep did you pull in over Friday and
Saturday night?
Friday-8 hours, Saturday-6 hours.
: 8. How was your weekend in comparison to other weekends?
(1-10 scale for this one too if you like)
I'd give it a 9. Got to kick it old school with an buddy of mine via X-box
Live and (of course) lots o' vodka.