Posted by Silent Rob at on November 18, 2003 at 11:34:27:
In Reply to: Re: Ciao D! posted by D0r4em0n on November 18, 2003 at 11:01:01:
I think I know where Viareggio is...
It's just to the south of Bedonia, si?
Mia familia comes from Bedonia and I have heard about Il Carnival many times...
I have una questione...
You say you like the Kevin Smith what way have you seen them? Subtitled or Dubbed into Italian?
Also, which films did you enjoy most?
As a fan of Cinema Internationale, I'm always interested to get the international perspective on American films...
(Silent) Rob
- Vedere e Vivare
: i live in Viareggio,i don't think you know,
: whehe is the Carnival...;)))
: Why your brother lives in parma? study???
: : My bro lived in Parma for a year, so I picked up some
: basics from him. I also picked up some basic phrases from that tape course
: : Che una collina- There is a hill
: : Che Pierlugi Collina- There is a famous Italian referee
: : Le Tori De San Giamino- The towers of San Giamino.
: : Francobello- Stamps
: : Una penne carbonara, per favore- A penne carbonara please
: : Fratello- Brother
: : Fratelli- Sister/ Brothers (I forget)
: :
: : : And about italian?
: : : why you learned it?
: : : ciaociao!
: :
: : : : My Uncle Ahmed is from Kuwait, so I picked upa little Arabic (By a little, I also know chelp means dog and that's it. Strange, but so it goes)
: : : : : : I can also sing Baa baa Black Sheep in Arabic.
: : : : : : : : Sorry, that's about the extent of my Italian!
: : : : : : : : : Hi everybody!
: : : : : : : : : i'm new on this forum!
: : : : : : : : : but i like very much all kevin smith's film! and lookin'around i'm finished here!
: : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : i apologize already for my english...but i'm italian! :))))
: : : : : : : : : Bye bye!