Posted by Nadine at on November 14, 2003 at 14:39:14:
In Reply to: What is a team? It's more than 1 person right? posted by Kev Hoffman on November 14, 2003 at 14:33:36:
: Good. Now that we're that far into the lesson, allow me to illustrate a point:
: You're part of a 'team' of posters who wastes a ton of space on pointless 'junk' posting. These people tend to post pointless drivel, and respond to pointless drivel. Kev Hoffman, I, only point you out because you tend to do it alot more when Kev is around. All I'm asking is that you continue to post on 'Kevin Smith's Web-Board' in a more respectful manner. It is a board that is *supposed* to be used for on-topic conversation, and posting questions to Kevin Smith...this it CLEARLY states when you first enter the board, and when you sign up. Now, Kevin has said that posting off-topic is all cool with him, but all I'm trying to say is you're abusing this privilege by posting whatever notion comes to your mind, whatever interesting thing strikes your eye, whatever stimulates your shallow mind...things that won't bear any sort of interesting discussion...things intelligent, interesting people don't like to talk about. I'd say half the people that respond to your posts are telling you to leave your thoughts to yourself, or are almost, if not more, dimwitted as you. I hate to attack, I really do...but you have a real problem with seeing the obvious. You make it way too hard to prove a point when you believe what you're doing is normal, and has always been done here. It hasn't. Posting here used to be fun...I find that it is no longer fun, when all we have to talk about is printers, Nadine's attactivness (or any other womans), and what we didn't do at work today.
: In short, if you can't bear to read more than a paragraph at a time. You're fucking annoying. Go away.
Get a life, read up on other boards...I never said I was attractive, and I never said I was smart...yes I am going with the flo. Caption this, Poll this, guess what I heard, How was your day? Unlike somepeople here...I care what people are doing.
and for goodness sakes, use a enter key every once in a while.
While you are at it...get off my back, I'm not the only one...I just stick out in your mind more.