Posted by innerinsanity666 at on November 15, 2003 at 16:16:39:
I dont know for certian if the movie will suck, Im just going by what I have seen, and from what I have seen its gone too far in its styilistic aproach. it's like that with most comic book movies I geuss, though there have been a few exceptions, spiderman and the x-men movies come to mind...It may only be my opinion, but I think that movies based on cult comics like hellboy should be made to the expectations of the fans, because after all we are the ones paying to see them...its different with an original story, like the films that kevin does, with kevin's films the only thing we expect to see/hear is inticing dialouge and witty repwatie, we expect to laugh and maybe to cry a little...but with comic book movies, we expect more, we expect grand visuals, exciting fight sequences and yes and interesting plot and story, we expect to see the comic we love to be handeled with care, creative licence has no place in a comic movie, the movie and comic should be one in the same, just on a different format. The upcomming hellboy could turn out to surprise me, but with all the recent flops and blunders in the world of comic book based movies, I have no faith left, I have seen far too much creative licence and far too little comic sembelance. I want to see the hellboy movie, I plan on seeing every movie they make based on a comic book, but in the end I am certian they will mostly disapoint me. Take the hulf for example, I'll say this, it has its moments, but pissis me off at the same time that they dare to change the backgrounds of the story they are telling, I wanted to see the hulk movie, I saw it in theaters, and I enjoyed the second half of the movie, but the opening half frustrated me to no end. albiet that movie making is a creative process, and albiet they need to make it apealing to as broad an audience as possible...but not with comic book movies, these movies should be held to a higher standard, Just as we hold kevins films to a higher standard. I like many others grew up reading comic books, and when I go to see a movie I expect it to be just as good as the comic it was based upon, often times better. Unfortunatley as we all know Movies are all about money and how much of it they can make, which is fine, but if you were to make a movie about parts of the bible, you would never use creative licence, and comic books should be held to that same standard of excelence, if im wrong in my opinion then oh well for me, I geuss im just doomed to a life of constant disapointment.