Posted by thejoker1940 at on November 24, 2003 at 20:49:21:
In Reply to: WIZARD WORLD TEXAS WAS F'N AWESOME posted by DanShoryu on November 24, 2003 at 20:15:42:
Yo, did Kevin say when the clerks cartoon is coming out on video? And yeah I'd like to see some pics of the q and a session. But unfortunatly I didn't go to the convention.
: I arrived at the end of the second night, and managed to get Jim Lee to sign my
: comic. He says his run on Superman starts in April which is good news. The next
: day I got up early and waited in line for tickets to get to the Smith Q and A. While
: waiting in line, George Perez came around and signed my program. Afterwards, I
: mngled around the convention and got Bryan Johnson(who was working at the
: View Askew/Graphitti Designs booth)to sign my Clerks comic book. I was sort of shy
: so i didnt ask him any questions. I copped my Brodie Inaction Figure, some comics,
: and some free swag from other booths like little JLA, Superman, and Batman pins.
: After that, I got Skottie Young(artist of Human Torch) to sign a comic of mine. I
: talked to him a little bit and I met a new artist named Mark Brooks who did some
: work on the Street Fighter Comic(check him out at Later, we went to
: the conference room and listened to Del Toro talk about the Hellboy movie. We
: were the first to view the trailer, which was fucking Ripshit to say the least(ripshit
: meaning awesome.) We got in the auditorium again for Smith's Q and A session.
: After waiting in the seat for hours, editor of Wizard, Jim McLaughlin tried to entertain
: us by beginning to unbutton his shirt. Finally, the moment everyone was waiting for
: the Q and A with Smith and Mewes. It was hilarious. Some stoner kept yelling
: "SING THE FUCK SONG!" It was better than watching "An Evening with Kevin
: Smith." I know Pithomas(which is now offically pronounced Pie Thomas rather than
: pith-o-miss) and DamnYankees were in the house,b ut I didnt get a chance to talk
: to any of you. Those Storm Troopers who made Kevin Smith an "honorary storm
: trooper" were fucking hilarious. When Smith asked "HAVE YOU EVER MET A GIRL
: IN YOUR LIFE?" i was laughing my balls off. Then they tried to show him apicture,
: the lamest question however, "HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT DOING A
: SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE?"Yeah, I looked like a jackass. I got the least response
: out of that question. And I tried to keep up with the quick-witted crowd, when
: someone asked about a future View Askew flick. I shouted " JAY AND SILENT BOB
: AND SPACE." God I am an idiot. Is it just me or did Kevin go a little overboard with
: the details about the first time he slept with his wife? I mean that was a little too
: much information, but it's all good cause the whole presentation was hilarious, and
: he needed a funny way to wrap it up. He talked about experiences with the actors
: and on the sets of his movie including his, "Prized Egg" Clerks. It was very
: disgusting, but I laughed. We were the first to see the Upcoming CLERKS Cartoon,
: plus we saw the never before seen Hosties commercial(intended for Dogma.) We
: also got to watch Heroes(the animated parody of clerks with Daredevil and Captain
: America starring as Randal and Dante. After the convention, in the hotel I went to
: Jim Lee's twisted karoke benefiting the CBLDF. LMAO! I GOT PICTURES of Joe
: Quesda singing "Back in the USSR", and "Man I feel Like a Woman." I bid on a
: piece of exclusive art by Jim Lee, but I didnt win. Mewes came in midway through
: and was challenged to sing "copa cobana" by Barry Manilow. Natrually he didn't
: want to, but Jim Lee bid 300 bucks and Jason Mewes didnt want to fork over
: anymore than that. So he got his ass up there and sang Copa Cobana lmao. I took
: pictures. (Copa Cobana and not the fuck song, go figure.) Jim Lee DID NOT WANT
: TO SING AT ALL. He bid 1400 bucks not to sing. When someone bid 1500 to sing
: "ACHY BREAKY HEART" he really couldnt fork over anymore cash. He was
: horrible, but I managed to get two shots of him singing it. My man, Skottie Young
: got up and started singing " I will Survive." I saved his ass, and forked over 20
: bucks to get him to stop. After that night of Fun, I got to take a picture with Marvel's
: head hancho Joe Quesda and chatted with him a bit. I signed up with the CBLDF
: with a 100 buck donation afterward, because of all the fun I had. The next day,
: Skottie Young remembered the favor, and did a badass head sketch of Gambit(the
: only character from my Hometown) for free. To make a long story short, I went to the
: autograph session with Kevin Smith and Mewes. We got to sit in chairs while
: waiting for the autograph, it was the most relaxing session ever. Anyways, some
: stupid musaic waiting music played on the PA so Mewes brought in his boombox to
: cancel that nausiating shit out. I got a laugh at of Mewes after he starting blasting
: "Like a Pimp" by David Banner when I bellowed "REAL THUGS GET DOWN ON
: THE FLOOR!."(yay 4 me.) I got to take a picture with SMith and Mewes and tey both
: signed by Clerks graphic novel. I shook Kevins hand and shit and asked them
: some questions. They were both really cool, otherwise I'd probably never post on
: this board again.
: Anyways to wrap this shit up, I had a helluvagoodtime. Kevin and Jason's
: sessions were funnier than a fart. They were fucking awesome. The karoke session
: was great. I got to "rub elbows" with Quesada, Jim Lee, and Skottie Young.
: Anyways, who else went to this thing? I wanna talk about this shit. And did anyone
: see that lousy band "COURT JESTER" with their own booth? God the music was
: pedestrian and repulsive. All they did the whole time was try to sell CDs and Rock
: Out to their own music in their own booth. LMAO. I had 2 or 3 groupies bug me
: about buying their cd.
: If anyone wants pictures from the Kevin Smith Q and A session, the autograph
: session, the karoke night, or the convention, drop me an email or an instant
: message because I dont have any place to host these pics.